Entradas populares

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011

new homework

a phone box
a tool box 
to wait patiently
to smile broadly
pouring rain
a complete fool
out of order
red in the face

martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

Landscape Two

This is a quiet place and very cold, here predominant a color white and light blues, its waters are cold and form big icebergs

landscape tree

The place is a solitary but with abundant natural wealth, has enormous pine trees, a variety of birds are heardsinging.

The snowy mountains give the place an incredible view.


1. Which city is described, and where is it situated?
A= The city is Lisbon, and it is situated on the west coast of Portugal.
2. What makes it interesting city?
A= Its rich history, colorful traditions and more modern attractions make it a facinating city.
3. Which buildings does the article suggest tourist should visit?
A=  First, there is the Castle of Saint George. There is Alfama, the oldest part of Lisbon. And there is Jeronimos, a beautiful monastery built int the 16thcentury.
4. Where can visitors go shopping, and what can they buy?
A= Visitors can go shopping to Baixa, it offers a great variety of handmade souvenirs and elegant dessigner clothes.
5. What sorts of entertainments does the article mention?
A= The article mentions about the Lisbon´s nightlife, that it is exciting and varied. Tourist can have a drink in the Barrio Alto. They can also enjoy delicious seafood at first-class restaurant.
6. What recommendation does the writer make?
A= The writer says that Lisbon is a wonderful city, and that if anyone wants to experience the beauty and fascination of a great European capital, it would be the perfect holiday vacations.

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

I am the numer fur

The story is about an alien called John Smith he is hiding from his enemies, which were sent to destroy it. the boy has to change his personality to escape the Martians

he has a friend named Henry that helps you stay safe, henri track enemies that have a big dog hairless in a car and being fed turkeys.

he has a dog that always follows the first dog was an iguana who took care of the malefactors.

but surprise falls for a girl named Sara who loves to take pictures, she also falls in love with john.
at the end of the movie she is a guy who likes to annoy others.

I think it's going to watch a movie I'm number 5 jaja

the most embarrassing moment.

I remember when I was a children  in my cousin's  party I was playing with my uncle Peter near to cake table when my  brother jumped on my back, suddenly stumbles with the table but I dont saw that my brother hit the cake this is not  was the problem, the problem was that my aunt imagined that the cake  would fall and jump on the table for stop but in her attemp she ruined  the cake.

cousin.. forgive me  for the cake
was not our intenction